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Clark County Arrest Records

Arrests occur in Clark County, Nevada, when law enforcement has probable cause to believe a person has committed a crime. They are necessary to ensure public safety, prevent further criminal activity, and ensure the individual's appearance in court.

Following an arrest, individuals are typically booked and held at the Clark County Detention Center (CCDC). County law enforcement agencies like the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) and the Clark County Detention Center create and maintain arrest records. Like Clark County court records, arrest records foster transparency and accountability in the criminal justice system.

Are Arrest Records Public in Clark County?

Yes, under Nevada law (NRS 179A.070), arrest records are considered part of an individual's criminal history and are generally public information. However, specific details may be exempt to protect privacy and ongoing investigations:

  • Sensitive information, such as the identity of victims and witnesses.
  • Juvenile arrest records.
  • Information received within 30 days from the Central Repository.
  • Information specified by statute, executive order, or court rule.

Access to exempt records is usually restricted to authorized personnel, such as law enforcement agencies, attorneys, and individuals directly involved in the case.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

A public arrest record in Nevada, as defined under NRS 179A.070, includes general information accessible to the public. This typically comprises the following:

  • Personal details of the arrestee, such as name, date of birth, and physical description, including weight, height, eye color, hair color, and any distinguishable body marks, scars, or tattoos;
  • Information about the arrest, including the date, time, and location;
  • Details of the alleged offense(s), specifying the charges filed against the individual;
  • The arresting agency's name and the officer involved;
  • Booking details, including booking number and custody status;

Clark County Crime Rate

The Nevada Department of Public Safety publishes yearly crime statistics and reports for Clark County. These statistics underscore the prevalence of property crimes, domestic violence, and violent crimes in Clark County. In 2023, Clark County reported 100,170 crimes, with property crimes accounting for 67% (67,044) and domestic violence for 22.76% (22,805). Violent crimes accounted for 10% (10,264).

The most prevalent offenses within the property crimes category were larceny theft, motor vehicle theft, and burglary. Larceny/theft accounted for 54.3% (36,371) of all property crimes, followed by motor vehicle theft at 29.3% (19,650) and burglary at 15.9% (10,664). The top three violent offenses were aggravated assault, robbery, and rape. Aggravated assault made up 69.7% (7,155) of the violent crime total, followed by robbery at 18.6% (1,910) and rape at 10% (1,026).

Clark County Arrest Statistics

Nevada DPS includes arrest statistics in its annual crime reports for Clark County. The data showed a total of 23,034 arrests occurred in Clark County in 2023. Of these arrests, property crimes accounted for 7,676 cases, representing 33% of the total arrests. Domestic violence crimes resulted in the arrest of 11,660 primary aggressors, constituting 51% of all arrests. Violent crime arrests totaled 5,698, making up the remaining 16% of the total arrests.

Find Clark County Arrest Records

Local county police departments provide access to arrest records under Nevada's Public Records Act (NRS 239). To obtain records for arrests made by county law enforcement, interested parties must contact the public records unit of the arresting police department. For example, suppose the arrest was made by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD). In that case, their public records unit can be contacted:

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD)
Public Records Unit
400 S. Martin L. King Boulevard
Las Vegas, Nevada 89106
Phone: (702) 828-7489

For convicted arrestees' records, interested parties can use the Nevada Department of Corrections (NDOC) online inmate search tool. To access this resource, individuals can visit the NDOC website and perform a search using the inmate's last name, first name, or offender I.D. Similarly, for federal arrests, use the Federal Bureau of Prisons Inmate Locator to find information on persons held in custody by federal law enforcement.

Free Arrest Record Search in Clark County

The Clark County Detention Center's "Inmate Inmate Search" portal enables users to search for inmates by last name, inmate I.D., or Justice Court case number. This free tool provides information on the inmate's in-custody status.

Similarly, third-party websites offer free arrest record searches. These sites aggregate data from various sources, including law enforcement agencies, and make them available to interested persons. To find arrest information, input basic information like the arrestee's name and filter by location.

Get Clark County Criminal Records

Criminal records are official documents detailing an individual's interactions with the legal system, including arrests, charges, court proceedings, convictions, sentences, and parole or probation status. They are maintained by law enforcement agencies, courts, and correctional institutions and used for background checks, legal purposes, and public safety.

Only record subjects can obtain a copy of their Nevada Criminal History Record Information. To obtain criminal history records in Nevada:

  1. Fill Out the Request Form: Complete the Identification File Request for Nevada Records of Criminal History Form (DPS-006 PID). Interested parties should note that for couples, families, and so on, each individual is required to secure their own packet and fully complete the DPS-006 form.
  2. Provide proof of identity by filling out name, date of birth, place of birth, sex, race, height, weight, hair color, and eye color in one fingerprint card (FD-258). Ensure the card contains all ten fingerprints taken simultaneously. Copies or previously used cards are not accepted.
  3. Submit a payment of $27.00 (U.S. dollars) per applicant using a Money Order or certified check payable to the NDPS. Ensure Money Orders and certified checks are for the exact amount and are signed appropriately. Personal checks and cash are not accepted. Victims of sex trafficking, as defined by NRS 201.300, may be exempt from this fee.
  4. Staple the completed DPS-006 form, fingerprint card, and payment together. Mail the packet to:

Department of Public Safety
Records, Communications, and Compliance Division
333 West Nye Lane #100
Carson City, Nevada 89706.

Clark County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Criminal records in Clark County show a comprehensive history of an individual's criminal activities, including convictions, charges, and court outcomes. These documents provide a detailed overview of legal proceedings and case dispositions related to criminal offenses.

On the other hand, arrest records specifically document instances where law enforcement officials have taken someone into custody, detailing the circumstances of the arrest, charges filed, and any related booking information. Arrest records may not always result in criminal charges or convictions, making them distinct from criminal records, which show information about the entire criminal justice process from arrest to court resolution.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Arrest records can remain on a person's record indefinitely in Clark County unless sealed or expunged. Individuals may be eligible to have their arrest records sealed or expunged under certain circumstances or upon meeting specific legal criteria. The duration of arrests and how long they stay on record can vary depending on the nature of the offense, legal outcomes, and applicable statutes.

Expunge Clark County Arrest Records

Specific conditions must be met to qualify for record sealing in Clark County. The petition can be denied if:

  • The statutory length of time since the case closure is incomplete (NRS 176.245).
  • The petitioner has pending or active cases in any jurisdiction.
  • The case was recently dismissed without prejudice or does not meet the Statute of Limitations requirements.
  • Drug and/or DUI cases were recently denied by the District Attorney's Office.
  • The petition includes crimes related to Sexual Assault or offenses against children.
  • The petition includes a crime for which a Dishonorable Discharge from probation was received.
  • The application was submitted to the wrong court or city attorney's office.

Per the Clark County District Attorney's Office, certain convictions are not eligible for sealing until specific Statute of Limitation requirements are met from the time the case is closed, including parole or probation periods:

  • Category A or B Felony (15 years)
  • Category C or D Felony (12 years)
  • Category E Felony (7 years)
  • Gross Misdemeanor (5 years)
  • Misdemeanor DUI (7 years)
  • Misdemeanor BDV (Battery Domestic Violence) (7 years)
  • Misdemeanor (2 years)

Once eligibility has been established, individuals should follow the steps outlined in the complete sealing guidelines in Clark County.

STEP 1: Obtain copies of criminal history reports. It is necessary to submit a copy of each criminal history report from the following agencies:

Nevada Criminal History Central Repository
Department of Public Safety
Records & Identification Bureau
333 Nye Lane, Suite 100
Carson City, NV 89706
Phone: (775) 684-6262

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department,
Records Section
400 S. Martin Luther King Boulevard, Building C
Las Vegas, NV 89106
Phone: (702) 828-3475

NOTE: The District Attorney's Office only reviews cases for sealing records that have resulted in charges from either a Justice Court township jurisdiction or Clark County District Court.

STEP 2: Prepare record sealing forms (Justice Court forms or District Court forms) and submit the following documents:

  • Original and one copy of Signed Petition (a copy is for the DA's office)
  • Original and one copy of Signed Order (copy is for the DA's office)
  • Original and one copy of the Signed Affidavit (attached to the back of the Petition)
  • One copy of local law enforcement agency SCOPE (keep the Original)
  • One copy of the Criminal History Report (CHR) (keep the Original)
  • 9" x 12" postage-paid manila envelope with your return address with a minimum postage of $2.00 paid.
  • Avoid using padded envelopes or photo mailers.

STEP 3: Send the record sealing forms mentioned earlier to the District Attorney's Office for assessment. Add a 9" x 12" self-addressed envelope with at least $2.00 in postage for the return of documents.


Record Sealing Coordinator
Office of the District Attorney,
200 Lewis Avenue, Room 3305
P.O. Box 552212
Las Vegas, NV 89155-2212.



Office of the District Attorney
Regional Justice Center, 3rd Floor
District Attorney Reception Window
200 Lewis Avenue
Las Vegas, NV 89155.

STEP 4: Upon the District Attorney's Office confirming the petitioner's eligibility for record sealing and signing the order, the original Petition and Order, along with supporting documents, will be sent back to the petitioner or their legal counsel's office in the provided 9" x 12" postage-paid mailing envelope. The petitioner or their legal counsel is responsible for delivering or sending the original forms to the appropriate court clerk for filing. The petitioner must also pay the filing fee required by the court.

STEP 5: Once a Judge signs the sealing order, the petitioner or legal counsel MUST forward a copy of the signed/filed order to the agencies involved in the arrests as listed in the Petition and Order, including the District Attorney's office.

Clark County Arrest Warrants

In Clark County, arrest warrants are legal documents issued by a judge or magistrate under NRS 171.106, authorizing law enforcement to arrest an individual based on probable cause. They are issued when there is sufficient evidence to believe a person has committed a crime, such as failure to appear in court or violating probation.

An arrest warrant in Clark County contains the following information outlined in NRS 171.108.

  • The magistrate's name, signature, title, and office.
  • The defendant's name or known alias.
  • Warrant issuance date
  • Issuance county, city, or town.
  • The offense as described in NRS 171.106.
  • Order that the defendant be arrested and brought before the nearest accessible magistrate.
  • Indicate whether the warrant is a no-knock warrant.

Clark County Arrest Warrant Search

Individuals who believe they have an active warrant in Clark County should contact the relevant court that may have issued the warrant:

  • Las Vegas Municipal Court: (702) 229-6201
  • North Las Vegas Municipal Court: (702) 633-1130
  • North Las Vegas Justice Court: (702) 455-7801
  • Henderson Justice Court: (702) 455-7951
  • Clark County Justice Court: (702) 671-3201.

To report someone with active warrants in the Las Vegas metropolitan area, individuals should contact the Las Vegas Marshal's Office at (702) 229-2422. All tips are kept confidential.

Do Clark County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No. Clark County arrest warrants remain valid until served or recalled by the issuing court. Factors affecting expiration include the nature of the offense and the efforts made to execute the warrant. Additionally, changes in legal status, such as charges being dropped or resolved, can impact warrant validity.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
  • Marriage Records
  • Divorce Records
  • Death Records
  • Property Records
  • Asset Records
  • Business Ownership
  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!